
Meditation: Genesis 8

Reading: Genesis 8

In Genesis 6:5 “the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” In righteous wrath God destroys all the ungodly people.


But God is also gracious. He “remembered” Noah and the animals in the ark. He causes the earth dry to up. Noah and his family step onto a renewed earth. The creatures in the ark were released. The human race is saved. History can continue and the church can be rebuilt. Noah’s trust in God did not disappoint. He resumes the worship of God with a sacrifice to express his thankfulness, and God accepts it. The sacrifice of an animal could not please God in itself. It points to Jesus Christ’s great sacrifice which pleased God and reconciles the world with Him.


During the flood huge changes happened which were very different to the earth’s normal geological processes. For example, many fossils were formed in a short time. The theory of evolution does recognize this. Today scientists insist the earth’s fossils took millions of years to form. This, and other so called evidence found in the earth’s geology, leads them to conclude that the earth evolved over billions of years. The Bible however gives a completely different explanation and timescale of the earth’s history. In faith we accept what the Lord reveals in the Bible.


Key text: in Gen 8:21, 22 God promises never again to destroy every living thing. Instead: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”


Question: Science often provides so called evidence which is contrary to the Bible. Why do most people so readily accept this scientific evidence? How do you deal with it?