Reformed – the Great Reformation
The meaning of the word Reformed is: to form again, or: to bring back to its original form.
The word Reformed, as used in the name of our website, is connected with the Great Reformation in the 16th century.
In those days, the Christian church in Europe was so much deformed that a reformation was necessary.
We believe that it is God’s work, that people like Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and many others stood up and protested the sinful practices and false doctrines in the Roman Catholic Church in those days. That is why the churches which come from the Reformation are also called ‘Protestant Churches’ and the Reformation movement ‘Protestantism’.
The work of these people led to what is now known as the Great Reformation.
The Reformed Churches that came forth from this Reformation returned to the teaching of the Bible.
‘The Bible alone’, ‘through grace alone’, ‘by faith alone’ are some of the central terms of the Great Reformation.
This website is set up and maintained by members of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia, or of sister churches. The main focus of this website are the members of these churches. The Free Reformed Churches stand in the tradition of the Great Reformation.
In line with this tradition, we believe that only the Bible should have ultimate authority in our lives.
The Bible also urges us not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of your mind.