About this Website

Nothing happens by chance. Whatever is in the news, it is the work of God. And what is not news-worthy for the world, it is also God’s work. Whatever happens, it must serve Him. He governs all things, through Jesus Christ, Who is the Head of the Christian Church.

It is the purpose of this website to approach the news from this perspective. News is for us, that what is important for Christians to know in order to serve and glorify God, to live a Christian lifestyle and to support and pray for our fellow believers on this earth.

The news that is being reported in the mass media is only a very small part of all that is happening in this world. So much that is important, is often ignored, deliberately or not. Not everything can be mentioned.
For us it is important to see in everything that is happening, the work of God and our Lord Jesus Christ. God is preparing this world for the return of Jesus Christ.  Much of what is happening in this world is already foretold in the Bible. It is our goal to highlight in our reporting, how the Scriptures are coming to fulfillment.

There are several editors as well as other contributors to this website. The editor in chief, together with the editorial committee is responsible for the general direction and policy, but the contents of every article remains the full responsibility of the writer.
Our main focus is the membership of the Free Reformed Churches in Australia, but much of what is published will also be relevant to others.

If you want to interact with the editors, you can contact them. The contact information can be found elsewhere on this website. There is some room for discussion on this website. If you want to submit a response to one of the articles or if you think you have a worthwhile contribution to make, please contact the editor.
Any positive suggestion or criticism which is aimed at building up, is welcome.

On behalf of the editors,

Anthon Souman
Editor In Chief