Christian Schools · Education - General

Reformed Education: whose responsibility?

To whom belongs the child? In 1996 Rev.  G. Van Popta delivered a speech at a teachers’ convention which was published in Clarion, in which he addressed this question. In it, he summarises and evaluates an extensive discussion which our Canadian brothers and sisters had at that time about this question, in which he also… Continue reading Reformed Education: whose responsibility?

Christian Schools · Education - General

Reformed Education: a collection of articles

For those interested in reading more about Reformed Education, I collected a number of links to articles on this page. The first articles are on this website. Thereafter I list a number of articles that are either quoted in the articles on this website or are of interest. Articles on this website: Reformed Education: whose… Continue reading Reformed Education: a collection of articles

Australia · Education - General

Changes to Australian education system recommended

For some time now there have been concerns in Australia about the declining levels of academic performance in schools. There has been a steady decline in literacy, mathematics and science performance among Australian students for over a decade! How can Australia turn this trend around to return to having one of the top quality education… Continue reading Changes to Australian education system recommended

Education - General · Science and Technology · World

Would you miss Facebook?

What’s on your Facebook today? Maybe a birthday notification? New friend recommendation? Event notification? Photo of what your friends did yesterday (which you should tag!)? Even more important, what buttons will you hit in response? Does Facebook need you more than you need Facebook? Can you do without Facebook? Can Facebook do without you? With… Continue reading Would you miss Facebook?

Christian Schools · Education - General

We don’t want costly schooling!

Public schooling may appear much less costly than Christian schooling (or homeschooling) but is it? Can our children be used to “witness and influence” in an unbelieving school culture? Sharon Bratcher in Reformed Perspective writes about the “need to renew our dedication to Christ-centered, Christ-honoring education”. She quotes Pastor Voddie Baucham, at a Ligonier Conference,… Continue reading We don’t want costly schooling!

Education - General

The conflict between social networks and parents

Isn’t Facebook about keeping families, friends and acquaintances in touch with each other no matter where they are in the world? That may be what appears to be the goal, and many social networks would like us to believe that. However, there is a more sinister side to social networks and that involves using human… Continue reading The conflict between social networks and parents

Australia · Christian Schools · Christianity · Education - General

WA: Faith-based schools under threat

As was predicted, the legalization of same-sex-marriage (which still has to happen) will not be the end of the crusade of the gay-movement against Christianity. Now they are going after the faith-based schools. Australians are not allowed to have different opinions than theirs, and what is the best way to change the opinions of future… Continue reading WA: Faith-based schools under threat

Arts · Australia · Education - General · Opinion

“Everyone did what was right in their own eyes” – Part 2

A fundamental shift As mentioned in the previous article the right understanding of the history of Western Civilization is under serious threat in Australian universities, school, media and the arts. The vital big picture developments and crucial events in history are downplayed and replaced by trendy politically correct subjects; this corrupts the understanding of the… Continue reading “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes” – Part 2

Australia · Education - General

WA Police: Ban kids from social media

“PARENTS need to wake up and realise the only way to stop their children being cyberbullied is to ban them from using social media, the WA Police Force warns.” This is what ‘PerthNow’ reported today on its website. The website is quoting acting Assistant Commissioner of State Crime Pryce Scanlan, speaking to an inquiry examining… Continue reading WA Police: Ban kids from social media

Arts · Education - General · Opinion · World

“Everyone did what was right in their own eyes”

Part 1 With this year’s 500th anniversary of the Great Reformation, the life and work of Martin Luther, John Calvin and other Reformers have our attention. We are very well served with informative and inspiring lectures and articles. Christian schools too are active in studying and sharing the significance of the Reformation. Sermons focus on… Continue reading “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes”

Education - General

Lifelong learning – the role of learning in our lives

When have I finished learning? Has a graduating student finished learning when they graduate from high school? Have we completed our learning of the Heidelberg Catechism when we do our Profession of Faith? Or is it after we’ve graduated from college or university that we are finally finished learning? At this time of year, many… Continue reading Lifelong learning – the role of learning in our lives