Christian Schools · Education - General

Reformed Education: whose responsibility?

To whom belongs the child? In 1996 Rev.  G. Van Popta delivered a speech at a teachers’ convention which was published in Clarion, in which he addressed this question. In it, he summarises and evaluates an extensive discussion which our Canadian brothers and sisters had at that time about this question, in which he also… Continue reading Reformed Education: whose responsibility?

Christian Schools · Education - General

Reformed Education: a collection of articles

For those interested in reading more about Reformed Education, I collected a number of links to articles on this page. The first articles are on this website. Thereafter I list a number of articles that are either quoted in the articles on this website or are of interest. Articles on this website: Reformed Education: whose… Continue reading Reformed Education: a collection of articles

Christian Schools · Churches

Reformed Education and article 53 of the Church Order

The church order of the Free Reformed Churches (article 53) stipulates that the elders shall see to it that the parents take their responsibility in providing their children education which is based on Scripture and Confession. It doesn’t speak about the elders sending children to Reformed Schools, or about parents having to do so. It only speaks about the… Continue reading Reformed Education and article 53 of the Church Order

Christian Schools · Christianity · Churches

Synod of Dort on Catechism Teaching

Every Sunday afternoon, we go to church to listen to the Catechism preaching. During the week, the ministers are teaching the catechism classes. This is an old tradition, established by the Synod of Dort, 1618/1619. It has a biblical foundation. In Deuteronomy 6 the parents are told that they should take every opportunity to teach… Continue reading Synod of Dort on Catechism Teaching

Christian Schools · Christianity · Churches

Synod of Dort – from the Acts

Acts of the National Synod of Dort, 1618-1619 – English translation The Seventeenth session On the 30th November, Friday morning, Is read the decision of the Synod regarding the further catechetical instruction of young and old, as extracted and put together from the written advice of both the foreign and domestic delegates as follows. In… Continue reading Synod of Dort – from the Acts

Christian Schools · Christianity · Churches

The importance of the Synod of Dort for us

On 13 November 1618, the synod of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands was convened in Dordrecht (in English often shortened to Dort). This did not go in the way we are used to in the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. It was called together by the ‘States’. In those days, the Netherlands officially was… Continue reading The importance of the Synod of Dort for us

Christian Schools · Education - General

We don’t want costly schooling!

Public schooling may appear much less costly than Christian schooling (or homeschooling) but is it? Can our children be used to “witness and influence” in an unbelieving school culture? Sharon Bratcher in Reformed Perspective writes about the “need to renew our dedication to Christ-centered, Christ-honoring education”. She quotes Pastor Voddie Baucham, at a Ligonier Conference,… Continue reading We don’t want costly schooling!

Australia · Christian Schools · Christianity

Celebrating 60 years of reformed education

Rejoicing, recounting, remembering, reflecting! What an evening it was! The convention centre in Perth was packed with 2300 voices praising God in song and words! I don’t think I ever heard that many voices at once singing in unison from the psalms and hymns: Come thank the LORD, his goodness praising (Psalm 118), O LORD… Continue reading Celebrating 60 years of reformed education

Australia · Christian Schools · Christianity · Education - General

WA: Faith-based schools under threat

As was predicted, the legalization of same-sex-marriage (which still has to happen) will not be the end of the crusade of the gay-movement against Christianity. Now they are going after the faith-based schools. Australians are not allowed to have different opinions than theirs, and what is the best way to change the opinions of future… Continue reading WA: Faith-based schools under threat