The intention of this page is, to be a discussion forum.
Here you can respond to articles on the website, by writing a ‘letter to the editor’, or here a discussion topic can be started, where contributors can respond to each other through comments. This forum will be moderated.
If you have a topic to discuss, please contact us through the contact form on this website.
Every post must be edifying and in agreement with our basis, which is the Word of God, summarized and confessed in the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism and Canons of Dort). Within these limits there still is a lot of room for discussion. It is good to sharpen each other through discussion and together come to a better understanding on many topics.
Because this website mainly focuses on members of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia, we will limit the discussions on this forum to topics that are of direct interest to these members. Please indicate with your submission, to which church you belong. Members of sister churches can participate in discussions too.
By submitting anything to this forum, you promise to abide by Christian standards of discussion and accept each other as brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ.