
Meditation: Genesis 29 and 30

Reading: Genesis 29:15-30 and 30:17-24

In the story about Laban, Jacob, Lea and Rachel we can lose all confidence in people. There is deceit, fighting and jealousy, which eventually results in Jacob’s departure from Laban. It is a very sorry picture, especially because Jacob’s family is the church. How weak is their faith. Can the church survive?


But when we look at what faithful God is doing we see a very hopeful picture. God has chosen Jacob’s family to build his church. From this family it extends through Israel to people from all nations. Ps 135:4 “The LORD has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for His special treasure.”


The family’s sins and weaknesses do not stop God building His church. Twelve sons and a daughter are born in Jacob’s family. It is beginning of the nation Israel and growth of the church. In this we see God’s amazing grace. Despite man’s sins, God continues to deliver his promises. This includes the great turning point of history, the birth and suffering of Jesus Christ who gives salvation to the church. Not man, but God only receives all the glory.


If we focus on people the church can sometimes appear very weak; its members can disappoint us. But when we see God at work, we rejoice, because He gathers sinful people into His church and calls them His beloved, the bride of Jesus Christ. He is preparing his bride, you and me, for the marriage feast of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7). The story of Jacob’s family, is actually God’s story who reveals to us His goodness and mercy by keeping His promises to build His church and work towards the coming of Jesus Christ.


Key text: Genesis 30:27 “I have learned by experience that the LORD has blessed me for your sake.”


Question: When you think of the church, what comes to your mind?