
Meditation: Genesis 45

Reading: Genesis 45:1-11

Joseph has seen enough. His brothers have repented from their sins. They have genuine sorrow and are determined to do what is right. Now is the moment for truth, and what a dramatic moment it is. He orders all Egyptians out of the room, weeps aloud and reveals himself as their brother Joseph. Instead of taking revenge, he is very gracious and compassionate. “But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.” He gently continues to soothe them, until they recover from the shock and become cheerful. By this example we are taught to speak comforting words to those who are seriously humbled under a sense of shame, and repent over their sins.


Joseph’s handling of the whole matter is blessed. The brothers embrace and kiss him; unity and trust is finally restored. They talked for a long time; they had much to tell each other (vs 15).


The Lord also blesses them with Pharaoh’s help who encourages the brothers to bring Jacob and their households down to Egypt where they will be safe from the famine.


One more important matter remains: the brothers need to face Jacob and confess their sins to him so that full unity and trust is also restored with their father. The end of the chapter indicates this was done.


The Lord takes the family along a winding and difficult road to restore unity and save them from the famine. We also must learn to trust God’s sovereign ways. We may not understand His ways, but we believe that the purpose of His ways are most wonderful, as we can see in the story of Joseph and his brothers.


Key text: Gen 45:5 “But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.”


Question: When you experience hardship or disappointment do you focus on your problems and question the Lord’s providence? Or do you focus on the comfort of Romans 8:28 “that all things work together for good to those who love God”?