Christian Schools

John Calvin Christian College #20 of 186 schools in WA: ATAR score

The list with the 50 best performing ATAR schools (based on year 12 scores) has been revealed. 10 of the top 50 schools are public schools. For comparison: Of WA’s 186 schools, 97 are public, 35 catholic and 54 independent.
John Calvin Christian College in Armadale made the top 50, coming at 20th place, with a median ATAR of 87.35.

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Celebrating 60 years of reformed education

Rejoicing, recounting, remembering, reflecting!
What an evening it was! The convention centre in Perth was packed with 2300 voices praising God in song and words! I don’t think I ever heard that many voices at once singing in unison from the psalms and hymns: Come thank the LORD, his goodness praising (Psalm 118), O LORD our Lord, yours be all adoration. How glorious is your name in all creation! (Psalm 8), Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Hymn 78), etc., accompanied by organ, piano, trumpet.

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john calvin Christian schools

The parents in the Free Reformed Churches in Australia united in Associations to run Christian Schools. These schools, in the Perth area, in Albany, and in Launceston, all have the name ‘John Calvin School’.

Follow these links to go the websites of these associations:

Free Reformed School Association
This association runs four primary schools, in Kelmscott, Byford, Rockingham and Bunbury, and one Middle/High School: John Calvin Christian College (year 7-12) in Armadale. This Association was established in 1957 and celebrates it’s 60th anniversary this year. A special meeting will be held on 24th November in the Perth Convention Centre.

John Calvin School Albany
The John Calvin School Albany is a K to 10 school, established in 1962.

John Calvin School Tasmania
The John Calvin School in Launceston, Tasmania, is a co-educational school from K to 10.