Life Application · Opinion · Science and Technology · World

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

‘What is truth?’ These words from Pontius Pilate, quoted in the Bible in John 18:38, are the summary of what this article is about. However, the words of Pilate can be interpreted and used in different ways. Pilate used it to express his skepticism. Jesus Christ, standing before Pontius Pilate, his judge, responded to a… Continue reading The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Australia · World

Chinese threat to Australia

Australia’s Attorney-General Christian Porter is currently bringing before the Australian parliament two bills that are very important and necessary for our nation’s safety, sovereignty and future. Both bills, that target activities by China and other foreign states, are designed to strengthen Australia’s counter foreign-interference and espionage apparatus. On 8 June 2018 “The Australian” reported that… Continue reading Chinese threat to Australia

Christianity · Church News - General

The Burning of the Wooden Shoes – Christopher J. Gordon

The attempt by churches to make themselves more acceptable to the world and to attract more members has led to a decline in those churches. We’ve seen a warning example of this in the Netherlands in the RCN (GKv). The following article by Christopher J Gordon [i]shows how this attempt to be more accommodating to… Continue reading The Burning of the Wooden Shoes – Christopher J. Gordon

Australia · World

Assisted-Dying laws incentive for insurance companies to deny coverage

In several countries, states, provinces over the world, assisted-dying laws have been adopted and implemented. Those resisting the adoption of these laws often warned that the availability of the option of euthanasia / assisted-dying would put pressure on those who are terminally ill to choose this option. This appears to  be happening now in a… Continue reading Assisted-Dying laws incentive for insurance companies to deny coverage

Australia · Christianity · Life Application

How to help those in need

Last week, the ABC ran an article about the Community Development Programme (DCP) of the Australian government. In that article it reported that many people who received funds under this program were slugged with fines for not completing all the jobs and activities required for which they received funding. Around 35,000 people are supported by… Continue reading How to help those in need

Christianity · World

World Population to reach 11.2 Billion in 2100

The website publishes from time to time nicely done graphics to present statistics in an attractive way. Recently it published a graphic that makes the growth of the world population visible, and how it is divided over the continents. It is an animated graphic which leads you through the years from 1950 to 2100.… Continue reading World Population to reach 11.2 Billion in 2100

Bible Study · Christianity · Meditation · World

23 April: The End of the World?

Every so often you can read ‘prophecies’ about the end of the world. Often these ‘prophets’ claim to have a special kind of revelation through which they are able to understand the Bible better than anyone else, even better than our Lord Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 24:36-44; Mark 13:32-37). The Rapture Now again, there is… Continue reading 23 April: The End of the World?

Christianity · Life Application

Why Christianity doesn’t grow in Western countries

What makes the church grow? In the New Testament we read that in the first days and years after Pentecost the church grew rapidly. The first days it was about thousands who were added to the Christian congregation in Jerusalem. When through persecution the church was scattered over the surrounding areas, those who fled, took… Continue reading Why Christianity doesn’t grow in Western countries

Christianity · World

Chinese Government applies the blow torch

New controls Early this year the Chinese government implemented new laws and regulations to tighten its control over the nation. The government says it wants to stop religious extremism, unrest, disturbances and violence. However, the regime wants to control religion, curb challenges to its authority and muzzle criticism.   All churches, sects and faith groups… Continue reading Chinese Government applies the blow torch

Education Gems

The Latest Gems – From John Calvin Christian College

Almost each week the principal of the John Calvin Christian College publishes a little message that gives parents and the school community something to ponder on. To provide more lasting value to these ‘gems’ and make them easily accessible, we are publishing them here. Please note that they may be slightly edited to make them… Continue reading The Latest Gems – From John Calvin Christian College

Church News - General

Are we following the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands?

With sadness we see our Dutch sister churches going into a direction which leads away from the truly Reformed heritage. Last year we remembered that five hundred years ago the church under God’s grace returned to the Bible. One of the important issues in the time of the Reformation was the authority of the Bible.… Continue reading Are we following the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands?