Christian Schools · Christianity · Churches

Synod of Dort – from the Acts

Acts of the National Synod of Dort, 1618-1619 – English translation The Seventeenth session On the 30th November, Friday morning, Is read the decision of the Synod regarding the further catechetical instruction of young and old, as extracted and put together from the written advice of both the foreign and domestic delegates as follows. In… Continue reading Synod of Dort – from the Acts

Christian Schools · Christianity · Churches

The importance of the Synod of Dort for us

On 13 November 1618, the synod of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands was convened in Dordrecht (in English often shortened to Dort). This did not go in the way we are used to in the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. It was called together by the ‘States’. In those days, the Netherlands officially was… Continue reading The importance of the Synod of Dort for us

Arts · Christianity

Contemporary Christian Music

                                                Introduction The topic of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) has led to a lot of discussion and confusion in our circles. What follows is an adapted version of a report which I wrote for the consistory with the deacons of the Free Reformed Church of Kelmscott, to give direction in how to judge CCM in… Continue reading Contemporary Christian Music


Christ’s Cross and the Cross of the Notre Dame

For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and  Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2, NKJV) Many will have seen pictures of the Notre Dame in Paris in the past week. The roof of this iconic, world famous, church building was completely destroyed by fire. Several of the media also showed a picture of the altar after the fire, with he golden altar cross seen glowing.… Continue reading Christ’s Cross and the Cross of the Notre Dame