
RC Sproul relieved from his task on earth

On 15 December, the task of Dr. R.C. Sproul on earth came to an end.  He was 78.

Dr. Sproul was well known among many Reformed Christians in North America and beyond. He proclaimed the gospel to many. He is the founder of Ligonier Ministries. This organization writes in their announcement of the passing of Dr. Sproul:

It belongs to others in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead to assess the impact of R.C.’s ministry in the history of the church.

It can be said that RC Sproul is one of the great men in the churches of the Reformation in this age.

He was the General Editor of ‘The Reformation Study Bible’  (English Standard Version). He wrote a large number of books, many of which have been sold to and benefited members of our churches. Some of the titles are:

  • Truths We Confess
  • What is Reformed Theology?
  • Chosen by God
  • The Glory of Christ
  • The Holiness of God

He wrote many little booklets in the ‘Crucial Questions’ series, dealing with difficult questions Christians are often confronted with in their communication with unbelievers or new believers. Questions like:

  • What is repentance?
  • Can I be sure I’m  saved?
  • What is faith? Can I have joy in my life?
  • How should I live in this world?
  • What do Jesus’ parables mean?
  • What is the church?
  • Does prayer change things?

And many more.

Among the many ‘Christian’ book which are written today, the books of R.C. Sproul stand out as truly Christian and thoroughly Reformed and have had an enormous impact on many Christians. His books and his enormous energy may be seen as one of the driving forces behind the resurgence of Reformed theology in North America.

There is much that can be told about R.C. Sproul. Much of that will be published on the internet, on many Christian websites. With great thankfulness we may note that Dr. Sproul, under the grace of God, made large parts of the Reformed doctrine accessible for many non-theologically trained Christians, through his lectures, his books, is preaching and his personal contacts.

Dr. Sproul was a minister of God’s word in the Presbyterian Church of America. This church is part of NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council), of which our sister churches, the Canadian Reformed Churches, are also a member.

One may be able to find issues on which he disagrees with Dr. Sproul. As we may also find things in which we disagree with C.S. Lewis, with Spurgeon, with M. Luther, and even with J. Calvin. Nevertheless, Dr. Sproul has undeniably been a great blessing to Christians all over the world.