Almost each week the principal of the John Calvin Christian College publishes a little message that gives parents and the school community something to ponder on. To provide more lasting value to these ‘gems’ and make them easily accessible, we are publishing them here. Please note that they may be slightly edited to make them suitable for online publication.
How do you know? How can you be sure? (16 Mar 2018)
Take action or run? (9 Mar 2018)
STOP and take stock (2 Mar 2018)
Student friendships and groupings (23 Feb 2018)
What kind of parent/teacher are you? (16 Feb 2018)
Application of wisdom (9 Feb 2018)
Keep sound wisdom (2 Feb 2018)
Everyone wears an invisible crown (8 Dec 2017)
Holding us close to His heart (1 Dec 2017)
Building the school: a day of small beginnings (24 Nov 2017)
Drifting away from holiness (17 Nov 2017)
Why I send my children to this school (10 Nov 2017)
Talking to your neighbour about school (3 Nov 2017)
Reformation 500! (27 Oct 2017)
Battle between two wolves inside us all (20 Oct 2017)